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Care Services
Trinity View provides a service for adults above the age of 55 years old.
We focus on delivering a service for residents who have mild cognitive impairment. Specifically, this means it’s for persons may suffer from some impaired memory, impaired reasoning ability or difficulty with simple problem solving, impaired attention, impaired language ability, impaired visual perception. Such residents may have a mild degree of challenging behaviour along with these problems. As an example, a typical service user may include those with; early stage dementia or early onset dementia; those with background mental health problems such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety; those with previous history of drug/alcohol abuse who no longer are dependent.
Our service would not be suitable for those whose main problem is learning disability, sensory impairment or physical disability. In addition, we do not cater for persons who are detained under the Mental Health Act 2005.
Trinity View is a residential care home and we do not take residents who require nursing care.
Our service users need support with their day to day activities, for both their personal and social care.
All care provided is planned and delivered for each individual service user, whilst taking account their specific needs. This is also known as person centred care.
We aim to promote access to local facilities and reduce barriers to inclusion in the local community. Within walking distance from South road are Sikh and Hindu temples/ Trinity church, Smethwick Cricket ground, Smethwick library, bustling High Street shops, launderette, cafes, Victoria Park, Rolfe St station. Asra and Dorothy Parkes Day Centres in Smethwick are suitable facilities which service users could attend.
The home has capacity for 8 service users.
Our Objectives
In providing care for our service users we aim to:
- Provide a dedicated staff team, to include a Registered Manager, that is well trained, supervised and motivated to deliver person centred care
- Provide accommodation which is comfortable, safe, secure and properly maintained
- Encourage service users, their families and representatives to participate in planning their care delivery so that service users lead as full and fulfilled a life as possible
- Ensure that service users privacy, dignity, choice, independence, equality and human rights are respected at all times and incorporated into their care planning
- Use our quality assurance systems to encourage feedback from our service users, their families/friends/representatives or advocates and professionals to constantly improve our services
- Balance the needs and rights of individual service users with the rights and needs of the other service users
- Be compliant with the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated regulations